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Get in touch

Traci Fraley (Functional Wellness)


Traci Fraley

Bank Information:


IBAN: DE891001 1001 2528 7102 24


Steuernummer: 23/043/31184

Mailing Address:

Bachweg 12

66879 Steinwenden



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My content (website, email, social media) contains links to external third-party websites, the contents of which I cannot influence. Therefore, I do not assume liability for third-party content. The respective vendors or operators of the linked sites are responsible for their own content. No legal violation was was determined on these websites at the time of establishing the link. It is not possible for me to constantly monitor third-party sites, outside of routine checking, and I am reliant on your assistance and request your notifications, so that links to third-party sites can be immediately removed in the event of legal violations. 

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